A place for Artists, Creators, and Performers.
JTK‘sパフォーマー道場では、英語、ダンス、アクティング、アクション、アイドルパフォーマンス、マーシャルアーツパフォーマンス、スポーツパフォーマンス、ミュージックパフォーマンス、 コミュニケーションテクニック、危機管理テクニック、など、1個人としてまた地域社会の1市民として健やかに安全に個性を伸ばし育っていくために役立つ身体表現テクニックを、第一線でグローバルに活躍する講師陣から学べる様々なレッスンプログラムを提供いたします。潜在能力が遠慮なく顔を出し、やる気と笑顔が輝く場所、それがJTK‘sパフォーマー道場です。
Our goal is to create a space for the next generation to thrive towards their dreams by teaching the basics of self-body awareness, conscious control, and communication skills through various forms of performing arts. With teachers of experience on a global scale, whether you want to become a professional or if you just want to have fun, we assure you will learn from the best.
Is it a school for becoming an Actor/Actress/Idol?
Yes, but that isn’t our only motive. Not only are we here to support and guide you to your dreams but, by teaching how to perform, our students will learn self-expression then gain self-confidence in daily interaction with people around them. PERFORMER DOJO is a school for people who thrive in becoming professionals in the entertainment industry and also a place for anybody to learn physical and self expression using DANCING, MODELING, ACTING, and MARTIAL ARTS. Let us help awaken that talent that sleeps deep within you. Our teachers with experience and skills on a global scale will surely guide you with the tools you need. We will also prepare Special Workshop Classes for all ages and levels, stay updated for infos on super fun classes!
Eメール jtk.creation@gmail.com
ショートメール 080-3985-3656
インスタグラム @performer_dojo
*Regular Class(3 Month Registration)
This program contains, English, Dance, Dialogue/Monologue Reading, Improvisation(acting), Modeling, Martial Arts, Speech, Vocal Training. A three month registration system course for following levels.
・3yo over English & Princess/Hero Performance Class
・6~12yo English & Idol Performance Class
・13~18yo English & Idol Performance Class
*Special Workshop Class(All Ages・Several day visitor pass(single day allowed))
Dance Battle
Freestyle Basketball
Double Dutch
Disco Grooves
For class schedules and prices please go through our exclusive registration forms. Forms are receivable by hand at the Dojo, for mail delivery contact us via email, sms, or Instagram DM, with these following info; Name, Address, Phone number, Age.
Email: jtk.creation@gmail.com
SMS: 080-3985-3656
Instagram: Instagram.com/performer_dojo
A space for you to feel like home and
rest those busy thoughts.
憩いのBEPPER GARDENでは、各種リフレッシュドリンクとちょっとしたフードをご用意して貴方をお待ちしています。お一人でもグループでもお気軽にお立ち寄りください。
If you ever feel alone swing by! We are always ready for chit-chat. With indoor and outdoor patio, gather together for refreshments and snacks!
ランチ営業 火水木 12時〜14時 *奇数木曜日はお休み
カフェ営業 土 10時〜17時
ナイトカフェ営業 月金土 *土曜日は貸切のみ
定休日 日曜日、奇数木曜日
Business Hours;
Lunch hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM. * Closed on odd-numbered Thursdays.
Cafe hours: Saturdays, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Night cafe hours: Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays. * Saturdays are by reservation only.
Regular Holidays;
Closed on Sundays and odd-numbered Thursdays.
Hours may change due to private parties and events. Please follow our Facebook page to stay updated on business hours and menus!
Via: Facebook.com/beppergarden
With our motto “A new star from Beppu”
We will spread our information nationally and internationally.
7歳の時、ダンスコンテストジュニアソロ全米優勝“Performer of the year”受賞を機にハリウッドのエージェントと契約。映画、コマーシャル、TVショー、アーティストのPVなどに出演。祖父の影響で日本の武士道と武道への関心が深く、特に空手道に於いて日米両国で大会優勝や入賞経験を持つ。16歳から日本での俳優活動をスタート。アクション俳優としての評価も高く、『HiGH&LOW THE MOVIE/End of Sky』『TOKYOTRIBE』『孤狼の血』『るろうに剣心〜最終章〜』『琉球バトルロワイヤル』『燃えよデブゴンTokyo Mission』(香港)『ベイビーわるきゅーれ2』等に出演。2016年石原プロ主催「次世代スターオーディション」で15000名の中から準グランプリを獲得。
Actor/Performing Artist/Movement Creator
Born 1994 in Japan Oita prefecture, Beppu city. Raised in the valleys of Los Angeles, California.
Awarded 1st place, “Performer of the Year” at the US Nationals Junior Dance Contest at the age of 7. After, signing with a major agency in Hollywood JoeyTee has performed in numerous films, commercials, TV shows, and music videos for famous artists (Missy Elliot, Vanessa Hudgens, Chris Brown, etc.). Through his grandfather’s teachings of Bushido(Way of the Samurai) the influence led to him to strive in the craft of martial arts, especially in Karate. With the record of holding 1st place in both Japan and US national full-contact karate, it was not long until JoeyTee found his career in becoming an action film actor. Using his knowledge through dance, martial arts, and acting, he is not only a performer but also a creator. With his all-round talent, JoeyTee continues pursue his dreams.
14歳でアメリカにてコレオグラファー(ダンス振付師)デビュー。多数のコンペティションで振付賞を受賞。ハイスクールをスキップ卒業し、「California Institute of the Arts」大学(創設者:ウォルトディズニー)に入学、劇場演出・制作を学ぶ。日本人アーティストやアイドルの米国での活動開始サポートや、ダンスを通したアジア系ティーンエイジャーのネットワーク「ASIAN PRIDE」「TEEN SKOOL TOO COOL」をプロデュースするなど、10代の時期に様々なプロジェクトリーダーを務める。2010年からジャニーズJr.の指導・育成やデビューグループの振付を継続して担当し、近年ではステージング監督として、「King&Prince」,「Sexy Zone」ドーム/アリーナツアーを手がける他、中国人気ボーカロイド「洛天依」コンサートツアーや2022年冬期オリンピック(北京)公式主題歌PV振付など、グローバルに活動している。
プロナンシエーターとして手がけた仕事には、YOSHIKI/TOSHI の英語曲録音時の発音指導などがある。
Born 1988 in Japan Oita prefecture, Beppu city. Raised in the valleys of Los Angeles California.
Her debut as a choreographer started at the age of 14, earning numerous choreography awards. With her wide network in the Asian teen dance community she is also the creator and producer of the teams ”ASIAN PRIDE” & “TEEN SKOOL TOO COOL”. To master her craft Tammy enrolls to Walt Disney’s CalArts(California Institute of the Arts) majoring in stage directing. Using her monstrous experience from a young age Tammy’s skills as a producer was in full use when staging for world-wide artists.
In 2010 TAMMY LYN was chosen to teach, lecture, and choreograph for the infamous Johnny’s Entertainment’s pre-debut artists ”Johnny’s Jr.” Soon enough her talents were remarkably elected as stage director for the top artists in the Johnny’s company and such as “Sexy Zone” and “King&Prince”.
Tammy’s skills spread worldwide as she choreographs motion-capture for Vocaloid artists in China, and also teaching english pronunciation for Asian-Wide artists.
青山学院大学(東京)在学中ブレイクダンスと出会いプロチーム「FunkyJam」の紅一点として活動後アメリカに移住。TV「ソウルトレイン」などに出演。第一子妊娠を機にダンサーとしての現役を退き、1989年、カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルスに「Star Dance Connenction,Inc.」を設立し国際規模のダンスコンテストやコンベンションをプロデュース。2000年にはロサンゼルスに「TonyTeeエンターテイメントアカデミー」を開講し数多のプロダンサーやエンターテイナーの育成とマネジメントを手がけた。2022年別府市にリターン移住し現在に至る。関係した主なプロジェクトの中には、1999年グラミー賞授賞式「マドンナ」オプニングステージ賛助振付、「パリ200年祭パレード」「田原俊彦」全国ツアー、などがある。
Born 1961 in Oita prefecture, Beppu city. Graduating Beppu city’s Noguchi Elementary, Aoyama Jr High, Turumi Gaoka High School. While enrolling to Tokyo’s Aoyama University, Koko finds herself engaging with professional break dance crew “Funky Jam”. After moving to the US to pursue her dreams as a dancer she soon performs in national TV show “Soul Train” etc. Before she ends her career in the field she was best known for super star female artist Madonna’s choreography in 1999, “Paris 200th Party”, and Toshihiko Tahara’s national tour. In 1989 she starts her new career as an entrepreneur, creating “Star Dance Connection Inc.” that later on built an empire for dance contests and conventions on a global scale. In year 2000 Koko starts “TonyTee Entertainment Academy” in Los Angeles, crafting in lecturing professionals from all genres of athletes. Koko’s theory in rhythm training provides all the essence in becoming a better dancer even in short term circumstances, gaining trust from the top artists and producers all over the world till this day.